Risiko, Pengembalian, dan
Holdings Optimal Swasta
Ekuitas: Sebuah Survei Pendekatan yang
Andrew Ang
Columbia Business School
Morten Sorensen†
Columbia Business School
Published 10 October 2012
funds are usually classified as purchases, venture capital (VC), or some other
type of funds that specialize in equity investments - like other liquid non -
registered. PE funds typically have a 10-13 year horizon, where the capital
invested can not be redeemed. In addition, the partnership agreement determines
the complex governance funds, determine compensation GP as a combination of
ongoing costs (management costs), cost-sharing transaction (carried interest),
and other costs.
equity ( PE ) investments are investments in private companies are controlled ,
the direct trade between investors rather than through an organized exchange .
PE is often regarded as a distinct asset class , and it differs from public
equity investments in fundamental ways . There is no active market for PE
positions , making these investments illiquid and difficult to value . Investing
is for the long term .
Estimating Risk and Return Private Equity
Empirical approach commonly used to
estimate the risk and return of publicly traded securities standards are
difficult to apply . PE investment intricate features include unlimited data ,
the irregular nature of the investment , and sample selection problems that
typically arise in data reporting PE . Adjusting for these difficulties
requires sophisticated econometric techniques . Without adjustment , the naive
analysis tends to understate risk and volatility and may overestimate the
performance estimates .
Private Equity Asset allocation model that describes the transaction costs ( high to PE ) and the risk of liquidation ( which is substantial for PE ) PE recommend simple ownership . In this model , rebalancing will be rare , so the wide swings in PE ownership can be expected . In addition , liquid PE ownership will be much lower than predicted by the model asset allocation assuming that all assets can be controlled if desired .
About Issues Private Equity
Generally , the owner of the assets invested in the fund PE as an LP in which investment decisions are made by the investment manager acting as GPs . This arrangement poses a potential agency problem . In the public equity markets , factor returns and active management can largely be separated because of the investable index strategy . Because PE is based on a private nature , it is difficult to conduct large studies - a systematic sample contract features and see how they relate to performance .
Private Equity Asset allocation model that describes the transaction costs ( high to PE ) and the risk of liquidation ( which is substantial for PE ) PE recommend simple ownership . In this model , rebalancing will be rare , so the wide swings in PE ownership can be expected . In addition , liquid PE ownership will be much lower than predicted by the model asset allocation assuming that all assets can be controlled if desired .
About Issues Private Equity
Generally , the owner of the assets invested in the fund PE as an LP in which investment decisions are made by the investment manager acting as GPs . This arrangement poses a potential agency problem . In the public equity markets , factor returns and active management can largely be separated because of the investable index strategy . Because PE is based on a private nature , it is difficult to conduct large studies - a systematic sample contract features and see how they relate to performance .
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